It is in the İkikubbe Neighbourhood.On the south front of the kumbet on a broken marble epitaph no
words can be read exept the name “Ali” these views about the dating of this are available; 1.It was dated to 12th century according to the architectural style. 2.It is seen suitable with the 18th century when recession
of the architecture of the kumbets. 3.It is knownthat Albert Gabriel dated the kumbet to 12th century.
4.The building should be placed to the 14th century as overall character. 5.14th century is accepted as the dating. 6.It belongs to 14th century.But, on the epitaph of Erzen Hatun Kumbet it was written that she is the daughter of Emir Ali.If this kumbet really belongs to this person then it may be dated to the 2th halt of the 14th century or 3rd quarter of the 14th century. In front of square-shaped main space there is a rectangular planned front open space with walls gradually rising towards the kumbet.A small garden was constituted with front open and thrown forward in a way not seen in any other kumbet.It ends with a dome internally, a finial with gnarled octagonal pyramidal cone on a octagonal hoop externally.It is single storey.
It is to enter the visiting area (rectengular planned, to the garden in the South) through the door on the east.The South front of the prismatic body of main kumbet is in the form of iwan with pointed arch and opens to the small garden in front.Interior of the kumbet is four archen in the baldeken style.The structure which is covered with dome inside, the passing to the dome was provided with pendants.Pendants are tied to each other with pointed blind arches.There are small niches on the three fronts of the interior. Emir Ali kumbet which draws attention with its different plan is among the kumbets with iwan.Kumbet is rectengular planned with its 6,05x5,35 meters dimensions.The part for mummy doesn’t exist in this one as it was in the other kumbets.It is at the same level with the ground and made of cut stones.On the body walls, with the triangular chamfers on the corners are passed to octagonal hoop.Along the side edges of the courtyard walls on the South side is in three stage form.It has opened the door to the eastern edge where the belt of the door is a hree-section.The arches of the iwan opening to a large courtyard with a pointed arch are surrounded by a belf flat externally erinaceous internally.Two boardsa re processed on the corners on both sides of the filling on the edges decorated with motifs that resemble Kufic writing on marbles.The epitaph was placed in the middle of this iwan belt but this epitaph could not be read. General Directorate for Foundations repaired this
kumbet in 1976.