Malazgirt Victory Activities

Ahlat Selcuklu Meydan Cemetery and other historical sites, which are the largest Turkish Islamic Cemetery in the World Heritage Site of UNESCO, became more popular after the celebrations of Malazgirt Victory.

The Orkhon Inscriptions, known as the written source, standing in different lengths and with all the splendor of gravestones, won the admiration of both domestic and foreign visitors as well as taking visitors on a journey to history.

Ahlat'a to see the grave of ancestors, at the same time, the tombstones, reliefs and carvings also have the opportunity to examine Seljuk cemetery, where there are 8 thousand 200 graves on 210 decares, hosted many people from both domestic and foreign people following the messages of unity and solidarity given at the events of the anniversary of the Malazgirt Victory. Ahlat'a to see the grave of ancestors, at the same time, the tomb stones, reliefs and carvings also have the opportunity to examine. 

We bring our nation together with this wealth Ahlat Mayor Mumtaz Coban, Malazgirt Victory after the celebration of the interest in the county increased even more, he said.Shepherd, Ahlat, which is the legacy of all humanity Seljuk Square Cemetery, 8 thousand inscriptions, he said."We have presented these inscriptions to the taste of everyone. We continue our persistence with the introduction of the district. Our caves, inns, Turkish baths and caravanserais. We bring our nation together with this wealth. ".

"I just came from Germany to see this place."

"Allah bless all our martyrs. We are trying to be a good son and grandchildren to them. Their souls are shad, their places are heaven. This is a very different place. We saw this place on television and in newspapers. Being here is a different feeling. I came to see this place only from Germany and I was very touched, we have been living in Germany with longing and longing for 47 years.It needs to be moved to future generations.These inscriptions are the oldest written monuments in the world after the Orkhon Monuments. From generation to generation. "

"We came here a thousand kilometers."
Muhammet Semih Deniz, who visited the Seljuk Cemetery with his family from Mersin, said that he told the cemetery and other historical places to his children. "Ahlat's birthplace of the Seljuks. People should definitely come and see this place. We need to visit here, especially since every person who loves his country and his country has to come here. We came here and my daughter loved it here. We cannot tell the spirituality of this place." "We have come here very well with historians and Islamic scholars. We came here about a thousand kilometers. Thankfully we saw this place and we were very pleased."

"This place smells history."

Murat Ekinci, who came from Ankara and visited the Seljuk cemetery, expressed that he was very curious about this place.