The archery education organized by the Archers Foundation in Ahlat district of Bitlis showed young people a great interest.

30 young people from the district participated in the training given by Yakup Dinç, a Turkish Archery Foundation of Istanbul Archers Foundation. Dinç, told reporters, young people's interest in archery sports pleasing, he said.

Young people 5 days a day for 3 hours of training told about the Dinç, "As far as I see young people love this sport. This love to take a little more forward to take lessons. They're getting here and time. said. Shooting training, as well as workshop, material recognition, the history of archery, such as the effects of health issues on the theoretical issues that point to the Dinç, the participants said that they will provide resources on these issues.

Dinç, "We are going as far as we can to the organizations demanded as the Okçular Foundation. We are evaluating these demands as much as our strength. We are going abroad or there are athletes coming for the trainings." he said.

Ahlat Selcuklu Archery Sports Club President Bülent Akarsu stated that they attended the archery training as a club, the trainings were very useful and they wanted to take part in 1071 Malazgirt Victory events to be held this year.

AAhlat Kayı Archery Club President Burak Albayrak pointed out the importance of the Malazgirt Victory celebrations in Ahlat and emphasized that they will fulfill their duties in the events.